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Is God Your GPS?

Houston has been my place of residence for several years now, but it is such a big city with so many highways and tricky roads that I always make sure to use my phone’s GPS when commuting across town to help me navigate through less familiar areas. Just the other day, as I was driving home, my GPS had navigated me through the outskirts of Houston and onto a highway that I am very well acquainted with. I knew exactly where I was at and how to get home from that point--the difficult part was over. But what I didn’t realize was that my GPS was still on and suddenly, I heard a familiar voice telling me to “take the next exit.” Without hesitation, I took the exit before realizing that it wasn’t the route I originally meant to take! I had no intention of going that way, but because I trusted my GPS so much I didn’t think twice when it told me to get on a different highway.

Make God Your GPS

Wouldn’t life be so much easier if we trusted God that much? God wants to be your personal GPS that you depend on to get you from Point A, to Point B, to Point C...all the way to Z! Even when you think you know where you are headed, He wants you to be able to recognize His voice and be ready to change course in an instant, without questioning the reliability of the source. Isaiah 30:21 states that “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” That is a great promise to have from our Heavenly Father! So many times we want to navigate through life our own way; in a way that is familiar to us, or that we are comfortable with. We continue to take the same roads for fear of getting lost or simply because we think we know best. But what if God wants to change things up? There could be other things He wants you to see and experience. Or He could be protecting you from an unforeseen danger up ahead. So as you navigate through each day, remember to:

1. Keep the GPS on. In other words, stay in-tune with God by always including Him in your decisions. Whether it’s a specific decision or just asking for His guidance in general, God desires to be included in EVERYTHING you go through. Proverbs 3:6 states that when you “acknowledge Him in ALL your ways, He WILL direct your paths.”

2. Be ready to act immediately. In the example I gave while driving home, the GPS told me to change highways just seconds before the exit! You have to remain on alert so that you don’t miss what God tells you to do. In many cases, if we wait too long to heed His voice, we’ll start to second guess what He’s told us and can end up reasoning our way out of it. If you’ve been asking God for direction, it may take a while to get an answer, but when it comes, it’s time to ACT!

The highways of life are full of twists and turns, highs and lows, entrance ramps, and exits. But with God as your GPS, you’ll be able to navigate through each one, and have full assurance that you will reach your destination.


March On!

Letty Roy

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