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Have you celebrated lately? Living a life of celebration is crucial if we are going to experience all the joy it has to offer! Think about it. As a society, we celebrate birthdays, dedications, weddings, new homes, new careers…basically anything that brings promise for a better future. And we should! These acts of celebration are an expression of the inner joy we feel when experiencing something new or exciting that we want to share with others…something we are very grateful for.

My challenge for you today though is to celebrate not only the big things, but also the little things in life. Sometimes our goals aren’t accomplished as quickly as we’d like them to be. Sometimes our healing doesn’t come when we want it, or change isn’t happening fast enough. It’s during these times that we can easily be tempted to get discouraged and impatient. Fortunately, there is a remedy! Proverbs 17:22 states that “a cheerful heart is good medicine.” You may not have the results you want right away, but go ahead and celebrate the milestones of progress made along the way! Maybe you’re drowning with debt accumulated on multiple credit cards. In this case, you can celebrate each time a single credit card is paid off. If you are trying to lose 30 pounds, why not celebrate each time 10 pounds are shed? Or maybe you could celebrate each year of college you complete while earning a degree. The possibilities are endless but the point is to develop a heart of gratitude and joy by learning to celebrate the small successes made as you press on towards the end results you desire. Not only does this help to guard your heart and mind from negativity, but it also demonstrates a form of faith that God can work with to ensure long-term success!

As a mother of three children, I can very distinctly recall major milestones each of them have accomplished, especially during their first year of life. It brought me so much joy to see them progress from sitting, to crawling, to standing, then walking! Every single move and even every new sound they made was cause for applause, hugs, kisses, and words of praise to fill the room; not just from me, but also from any other loved ones watching. And our Heavenly Father is the exact same way! He loves to see His children flourishing, taking bold steps of faith, and walking into new levels. You are the apple of His eye (Zechariah 2:8) and He takes great delight in you (Zephaniah 3:17)!” So if God is already in the habit of celebrating you...isn’t it time you join in on the fun?


March On!

Letty Roy

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